I am wondering where this year went. We have had some excellent fishing this year on the ocean and in the rivers. The ocean was fabulous for king salmon. Did not think we could beat the year we had in 2010 but I think it was better especially for larger kings. Our December steelhead fishing was a nice suprise. Here are a few of the many fish we caught this year in December. I hope it continues into next year.
Just got word that we are looking at good numbers of Spring Chinook on the Columbia this year, 400,000 or so. I hope we get some time in late April on the lower river near Cathlament. Its about the only time I get to use the big red machine anymore since our focus in the summer is in the ocean. Our Fall Chinook runs for the ocean are predicted to be about the same as 2011 which is great news for you ocean fisherman. Silvers are going to be down again but thats alright our customers love those kings.